• AAFSC Provides Asylum Seekers 'Second Home'

  • AAFSC Joins NYC Council’s New Arrivals Strategy Team

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  • Announcing AAFSC's new Assistant Executive Director, Hizam Wahib

    Read Hizam's Story

Our Mission

The Arab-American Family Support Center empowers immigrants and refugees with the tools they need to successfully acclimate to the world around them and become active participants in their communities. We operationalize AAFSC’s mission by championing underserved individuals, including immigrants, by delivering culturally responsive services and uplifting community voices.

Our Mission & Vision

Our Four Priorities

Prevent Harm

We strengthen families, prevent child abuse, protect the rights and security of immigrants, and work to end domestic and gender-based violence.

Promote Well-Being

We promote mental and physical well-being and advance justice and equity in underserved communities.

Strengthening Families and Communities

Prepare to Learn

We provide the tools for learners of every age to succeed.

Pursue Solutions

We uplift the voices and needs of under-represented communities and champion gender, racial, restorative, and immigrant justice. We document the impact of culturally competent practices and serve as a resource for partners across sectors.