About Us

We strive for a socially just society where all immigrants can fully partake as Americans. We pursue our vision across all priority areas and we structure our activities around impact and outcomes.

Founded by the Arab-American Community. Open to All.

The Arab-American Family Support Center (AAFSC) is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization established in 1994 to provide culturally and linguistically competent, trauma-informed, multigenerational social services to immigrants and refugees. We strengthen families through 4 key priority areas and our work extends to communities globally.

All our priority areas – Prevent Harm, Prepare to Learn, Promote Well-Being, and Pursue Solutions are interlinked. Our theory of change identifies the family as a key focal point, so we offer integrated, holistic services across generations and at all stages of the immigration journey to encourage healthy paths to success and fulfillment.

While we support anyone who walks through our doors, over our 27 years of experience, we have developed expertise serving the Arab, Middle Eastern, North African, Muslim, and South Asian (AMENAMSA) immigrant and refugee communities. Our staff speak 36 languages, including Arabic, Bengali, Farsi, Hindi, Nepali, Pashto, Punjabi, Urdu, and Wakhi.

AAFSC stands strictly against racism, colorism, classism, segregation, homophobia, xenophobia, sectarianism, sexism, ableism, ageism and all other forms of oppression. As an anti-racist organization, we recognize the importance of allyship and join the Movement for Black Lives, LGBTQIA+ community members, and all those who experience othering in solidarity and collective action.

Our Services & Our Priorities

Our services are culturally and linguistically competent. This means that our staff and leadership represent the communities we serve. We understand and respect the nuances, traditions, customs, and religious practices of our communities and we can speak the various languages of those we serve.

Our Priorities

Our Staff

Collectively, our staff speak Arabic, Albanian, Armenian, Bangla, English-Based Creole, French, German, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Nepali, Newari, Pashto, Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Sherpa, Sindhi, Somali, Spanish, Tajiki, Tibetan, Turkish, Urdu, and Wakhi.

In 2023, we supported 16,000+ community members:

3,953 mental health counseling sessions offered to adults and youth, in their language.

3,182 survivors of domestic & gender-based violence served.

1,334 students received English literacy instruction, citizenship prep, and caregiver support

AAFSC Locations

As a settlement house, we are geographically embedded in the communities we serve. This translates to better real-time understanding of community challenges.

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