Reclaiming Our Health!

Community voices are integral to this initiative.
We welcome all who are a part of or work with the AMEMSA community to join Reclaiming Our Health.

Are you or your organization passionate about mental health and wellness? Do you want to make a significant impact on the community? Do you like to plan and create workshops for the community? If so, we would love to have you join Reclaiming Our Health! Individuals can join our work group meetings each month – you can find additional information about our work groups here.

During our meetings, we discuss creating the necessary workshops to address AMEMSA community concerns. Additionally, we also work with partners to ensure the effectiveness of these workshops for our communities.

If you would like to be involved, please complete the form below.

Contact Form

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Thank You!

' + '

Thank you for contacting Reclaiming Our Health at AAFSC! We will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

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