By: Jake Keyel, Youth Program Coordinator
After school students took a trip to Bear Mountain on May 4th. Students hiked, rode paddle boats, and had a picnic lunch in the park. They also played basketball and rode the carousel. On May 11th students had Art Explorers with New York Cares. Students made sculptures with modeling clay as well as gifts for Mother’s Day.
The New York Cares/Kaplan SAT Program has wrapped up for the 2012-2013 school year. Students will be taking their actual exams this month. We wish them all luck. Enrollment for the 2013-2014 program will likely begin in August.
Summer camp dates have been set. The camp will begin on July 8th and run until August 17th. It will take place Monday through Thursday from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Applications will be available shortly. Any interested parents or families can contact Jake Keyel by phone (718-643-8000 x 39) or email ( for more information.