By: Jake Keyel, Youth Program Manager
The youth program at AAFSC began a new school year on September 10th. During our first week, we saw 30 students per day for after school homework help. We have many returning students and we have welcomed new students from Morocco and Yemen.
Students took part in the first Art Explorer activity of the year on Saturday September 15th. The students enjoyed making duct tape wallets with volunteers from New York Cares. In October, students will take their first Urban Explorers field trip.
Our high school SAT program will kick off with a practice exam on September 22nd. A committed group of sophomores and juniors will spend one night a week throughout the school year studying with Kaplan trained tutors in order to increase their test scores. Classes will begin in mid October.
We are at capacity for elementary students, but will be recruiting more middle school students. Anyone interested can contact Jake Keyel, youth program manager, by phone or email. The SAT program is full to capacity as well.