On Thursday, February 9th, Executive Director, Lena Alhusseini, will be honored by Project Reach at their 40th Anniversary Gala, “Womyn Warriors & Allies: A Call to End Sexism, Misogyny, and Homophobia.” Project Reach is a youth and adult-run, multiracial, multi-gender, grassroots, anti-discrimination, youth organizing center with a clear mission and commitment to challenging the destruction among, of, and between New York City’s disparate youth communities.
Join us a the event, whicch aims to raise $40,000 to support the OUTRIGHT Consortium’s citywide cross-community Youth Summit trainings, LGBT Youth Retreats, Womyn’s Space meetings, Young Men’s Anti-Sexism Roundtables, and more of the Consortium’s cutting-edge programs. To RSVP, visit projectReachnyc.org.