Project Reach Honors AAFSC’s Lena Alhusseini among “Womyn Warriors”

February 7, 2012

On Thursday, February 9th, Executive Director, Lena Alhusseini, will be honored by Project Reach at their 40th Anniversary Gala, “Womyn Warriors & Allies: A Call to End Sexism, Misogyny, and Homophobia.” Project Reach is a youth and adult-run, multiracial, multi-gender, grassroots, anti-discrimination, youth organizing center with a clear mission and commitment to challenging the destruction among, of, and between New York City’s disparate youth communities.

Join us a the event, whicch aims to raise $40,000 to support the OUTRIGHT Consortium’s citywide cross-community Youth Summit trainings, LGBT Youth Retreats, Womyn’s Space meetings, Young Men’s Anti-Sexism Roundtables, and more of the Consortium’s cutting-edge programs. To RSVP, visit